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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japan Earthquake Article

When it happens with Japan, they acknowledged it how to Rock and Roll N '- but they also look to be good at setting records. The quake, which occurred in Sendai, Japan in 2011, the fifth-largest earthquake ever feel, where records are available and adequate. You can tell a big, I mean really big?
Well, if you want to know all of recorded history on the Richter scale since been established there were only three other than Japan. For example, according to Wikipedia, the Richter scale had not even developed in 1935 by Charlie Sheen, I mean Charles Richter Beno Gutenberg at Cal Tech in California, while Charlie Sheen, he shook the actor who seemed to lose his head, and Hollywood around 2011.
If you will recall was the recent earthquake in Chile, 8.8 earthquake and the earthquake in Sumatra, the Andaman and was 9.3, which caused the tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Probably due to the earthquake Haiti and modern earthquakes New Zealand, which was slightly lower, but not less destructive to the structures or the destruction of people's lives - may be recommended if you live in a seismic area to have a plan. In fact, there is a very good book I can recommend if you do not feel as if you're ready now well, and I would say it is a book that I personally live here in California. The name of the book is:

"The Survival Handbook disaster" was written by Alton L. Thygerson, Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, UT (1979) 248 pages, ISBN: 0-8425-1629-8.

The book explains what you can do in your own life to protect your family and your property and what to do immediately. Not only is there a great earthquake preparedness information, supplies needed, and how ready to fight for your living - but also how to deal with replicas, power outages, water drinking, cooking, and survive, literally surviving, you will not have communication, TV, Internet, gas, electricity, and you may not be able to drink water even if you have some circulating pipes.

It is a great survival book, because it handles all types of disasters, and I ask you - you and your family ready when and if disaster? Be prepared because when such an event hits the emergency services are potentially so overwhelmed, you're on your own. Thus, it may be a good awakening for you to consider the reality of such a potential eventuality. Think about it.


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